L38D-AE (BS4) 3 Mechanical Arbor Kit ImageHOMEImageProductsImageRifle Scopes / Red Dot Sights / Boresighters
L38D-AE (BS4) 3 Mechanical Arbor Kit
BS4  Mechanical Arbor Deluxe Kit 
This bore sighter kit uses a 4-piece  stud set to ensure precise bullet placement from the start.
With selectable studs, you are assured a sung fit in the rifle barrel, eliminating the play that cause inaccurate bore sighting. 

Item BS4   3 Mechanical Arbor Kit 
SPEC. Bore Sighter with 3 pieces adjustment stud tools;
with carry case.
- Adjustable studs include following sizes :
   0.22 ~ 0.27 ; 7mm ~ 0.35 ; 0.35 ~ 0.45 ;
- Coming with a multi-pocket soft case

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