Hi, all,
We're pleased to inform you that our office will be closed for Tomb Sweeping Day and Children's Day from APR 4 to 8 2018. We'll be back to the office until APR 9, 2018. Please copy all e-mails to longperng@gmail.com during this period, or contact us after our holiday. Sorry to causing you any inconvenience, and also thank you for your kind cooperation.
因應兒童節與民族掃墓節(清明節) 日暨調整放假,
將於107年4月4日(星期三) 起至4月8日(星期日) 止, 合計放假8日。
在此期間, 如有重要事宜, 請同時寄至longperng@gmail.com,
造成您的不便, 敬請見諒, 也感謝您的配合。