Notice of Office Closed for Tomb Sweeping Day and Children's Day from APR 2nd to 5th, 2021ImageHOMEImageNews
ImageNotice of Office Closed for Tomb Sweeping Day and Children's Day from APR 2nd to 5th, 20212021-03-31
Hi, all,

We're pleased to inform you that our office will be closed for Tomb Sweeping Day and Children's Day from APR 2nd to 5th, 2021. We'll return to the office on APR 6, 2021. I'm sorry that we can't reply your e-mail in time. We'll get back to you soon. For any urgent issue, please also copy to during this period.
Sorry for causing you any inconvenience, and also thank you for your kind cooperation.
Hope all you stay safe and healthy.

將於110年4月2日(星期五) 起至4月5日(星期一) 止, 合計放假4日,
造成您的不便, 敬請見諒。

Long Perng Optics

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