Hi, all,
We're pleased to inform you that our office will be closed for Labor Holiday on MAY 1st, 2023. We'll return to the office on MAY 2nd, 2023. Please also copy to longperng@gmail.com during this period. We'll get back to you soon. Sorry for causing you any inconvenience, and also thank you for your kind cooperation.
Hope all you stay well and healthy.
因應五一勞動節, 本公司將於112年5月1日(星期一) 放假1日,
造成您的不便, 敬請見諒。敬祝各位佳節愉快。
Long Perng Optics
E-mail: sales@longperng.com.tw
Website: www.longperng.com.tw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LongPerng