Notice of Annual Company Trip from NOV 13-16, 2023ImageHOMEImageNews
ImageNotice of Annual Company Trip from NOV 13-16, 20232023-11-11
Notice of Annual Company Trip
We are pleased to inform you that office will be closed for an overseas company trip from NOV 13 to 16. Please copy all mails to during this period. The business will resume on NOV 17, 2023. We regret any inconvenience caused.
Long Perng Optics

本公司將於11/13(一)~11/16(四)舉辦年度員工海外旅遊, 期間各項作業將受到影響, 我們將儘快回覆, 期間請您增加郵件副本寄送至。

造成各位不便, 敬請見諒。

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